December 2010
NorQuest College has released the 2009-2010 Applied Research Annual Review. ICCER's evaluation of the NorQuest/Dickinsfield Practical Nurse project is highlighted on pages 24 and 25 of the report.
Effective January 2011, Bethany Care Society will become a member of ICCER. We are very pleased to welcome them onto the ICCER Steering Committee.
September 2010
ICCER is pleased to announce that the Excel Society, a social services society based in Edmonton and Calgary, joined ICCER.
On Thursday, September 2nd ICCER joined NorQuest College's 7th Annual Gary Mar Golf Tournament.
July 2010
ICCER and the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Development receive networking grants through the Alberta Rural Development Network
The Institute for Continuing Care Education and Research (ICCER) and the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC) are partnering in a series of networking events funded through the Alberta Rural Development Network (ARDN).
They will be working with Grande Prairie College, Keyano College, and Northern Lakes College to discuss issues related to continuing care with local community groups. The ARDN grants will provide an opportunity to identify what continuing care needs are not being met locally, and whether there are issues that the PSIs can address through training & education programs for students and/or practitioners, and through research. PSIs have an important role to play in the sustainability of rural communities through their role in 'home growing' health practitioners of the future and reducing out-migration.
The networking events will provide both ICCER and the ACSRC with an opportunity to reach out to rural communities. ICCER's vision is to "be a partnership of practitioners, researchers, educators and learners collaborating to provide the best care and quality of life for those served by the continuing care system." Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for those served in the continuing care system by creating a continuum of learning and research, and by ensuring excellence in education for students. These networking events will assist ICCER in reaching out to the larger community and work to identify gaps in the rural regions and to link the rural communities and PSIs with researchers and educators from elsewhere. The networking will offer ACSRC the opportunity to extend its mandate, which includes research, education, knowledge transfer and collaboration with rural communities, on the ground in northern Alberta, and to foster collaboration of faculty from both the University of Alberta and NorQuest College within the broader principals and contexts of social justice, community engagement, deliberative and evidence-based decisionmaking and practice, the social determinants of health and integrated public policy and programming that contributes to the sustainability, resilience and quality of life in rural Albertan communities.
These events will contribute to the expansion and institutionalization of an existing collaboration (ICCER) as well as the development of both a network and broader funding initiative to support continuing care in Northern Alberta. The project speaks directly to the identification of gaps in the training, provision, development and evaluation of continuing care in rural Alberta, as well as drawing from multiple members of the ARDN in order to better implement the mandate of ICCER.
Although planning will begin sometime in the fall of 2010, the actual community networking events will not be held until spring of 2011. Not only does this give the organizers time to prepare, it minimizes risk by avoiding having the participants travel from remote communities in the middle of winter. This should help to ensure greater community representation at the networking events.