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News and Events - 2011

January - May 2011

Continuing Care Networking Events

ICCER is working with the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC), Keyano College, Northern Lakes College, and Grande Prairie Regional College to host networking events in Northern Alberta.

The networking events will bring the local PSI, ICCER and its affiliated organizations (including the University of Alberta and NorQuest College), and ACSRC together to discuss issues related to continuing care with local community groups. They will provide an opportunity to identify what continuing care needs are not being met locally, and whether there are issues that the PSIs can address through training & education programs for students and/or practitioners, and through research. PSIs have an important role to play in the sustainability of rural communities through their role in 'home growing' health practitioners of the future and reducing out-migration.

The networking events are part of a larger initiative that ICCER and ACSRC are developing that will include all of the northern Alberta PSIs. The networking events are meant to provide the groundwork for the development of a larger grant application process to the Community Initiatives Program through the Alberta government and potentially to the Federal governments rural and northern communities initiative grant.

Funding from the Alberta Rural Development Network will help support the events.

June 2011

IntD 410 Continuing Care Stream

ICCER is working with the Health Sciences Education Commons of the Health Sciences Council to develop a special stream of IntD410: Interprofessional Health Team Development.

IntD 410 is a process learning course intended to provide knowledge, skills and experience in building interprofessional (IP) health care teams comprised of students in various professional programs. Through participation on an interprofessional team of up to 8 students, participants will build their knowledge and skills in the course's four core IP competencies: communication, collaboration, role clarification and reflection. Emphasis is placed on team processes and tasks while recognizing the unique contributions of patients, families and professionals in working collaboratively to maintain health. (Offered jointly by the following faculties: Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences; Medicine and Dentistry; Nursing; Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Physical Education and Recreation; and Rehabilitation Medicine.) The Continuing Care stream will provide activities and learnings that will help teach students about the continuum of continuing care, and encourage students to look at continuing care as a career option.

The course will be offered starting January 2012. In 2013, it is anticipated that students from health discipline programs at NorQuest College will be able to participate in the IntD410 Continuing Care stream.

Continuing Care Networking Events

ICCER and ACSRC are now in discussions to hold Continuing Care Networking Events with PSIs in other areas of the province, and with First Nations communities in Alberta.

July 2011

Framework for a Virtual Teaching Continuing Care Centre

The ICCER Steering Committee has finalized the discussion paper "Framework for a Virtual Teaching Continuing Care Centre".


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